It's very interesting and hard to work if you don't know the languages of a country. Today, we went to the Old People's House. I had actually fun. Of course, I could not memorize all the names, right now, but at least I tried to recognize some. At around 10 am, Santana came and we went together…

Szerző: elzazi  2011.07.25. 16:43 2 comment

Tags: food work latvia santana lunch sunrise lat disabled sigulda ginta old people home latvian old people residence permit bank account

A kaja, amit ma ettünk: KÖFTE -nek hívják.Fatih holnap elmegy négy napra , kirándulni a tengerhez. Jó neki! :-)Zannáék azért jöttek, hogy a részleteket megbeszéljék vele.Jó éjszakát! Holnap: első nap a munkában! Good night! Tomorrow: 1st day at…

Szerző: elzazi  2011.07.24. 22:24 Leave a comment

Tags: work pictures dinner baltic sea turkish food zanna

Dear all, how are you? I'm fine, I've had another great day. I've realized, that if I don't speak Russian and/or Latvian, I cannot communicate with people. So, I asked Ulya to teach me some Russian. We started today with cyrillic letters, gosh, I felt so stupid! That was really…

Szerző: elzazi  2011.07.24. 21:21 5 comment

Tags: film friends russian english life cinema work moments latvia santana thinking dinner memories philosophy live a life turkish food

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