Sorry, I have such busy days nowadays, I don't even get in the front of the Internet...

Let's listen to some music meanwhile ;) 

On Saturday, finally I got to Ligatne. The Sunday before we were already planning it, with Areg, Fatih and Ulyana, but we missed the bus. Moreover, we had a big argument after that and - I guess everybody but as for me, I'm sure - I felt so bad. :(( I did not feel like doing anything those times.

Then, I just received a message on the Latvian Facebook from Anete, whom I know from the International Youth and Volunteering Day that she is planning to go to Ligatne. I decided: I go with her and won't take care of anybody else. Ulyana was in Italy that time and Fatih of course did not want to come. (I do not know the reason.) By Friday, we already had a full plan: meeting at the railway station in the morning and change many buses and then arriving in Ligatne.

However, on Friday, Zanna, my boss told me, that maybe we could go together with the Saullekts to Ligatne, because there is going to be beautiful weather at the weekend. I asked if Anete could come with us, and the answer was yes, so we both were very happy to meet, to go and not to get up such early in the morning :)) 

Ligatne was fun. However, the old travelled only by the bus, we went on foot. We, I mean, Santana, her bf, Janis, Anete and me. We saw lots of animals: deers, bears, wolves, owls, and mooses, as well. :) I liked it a lot. We walked in the forest around 5 kms I had fun but at the end of the day I got a little bit tired. Anete said goodbye to us after the tour, as she is from Ligatne and she stayed with her grandparents on Saturday night. We also visited the winecellars. You can't imagine: a quite high hill, but full of caves and in the caves there are winecellars. In one of them, you can also taste wine. However, this wine is not an ordinary one as these are made of different fruits, such as: strawberry, apple and pear. Interesting. I could say, wine from strawberries is sweeter than that  of grapes.

After that, around at 7 o'clock we got back to Saullekts, we had dinner (soup) and of course, Inese insisted on tasting her famous "auksta gala" - in Hungarian, it's kocsonya. It tastes like frozen meatsoup of pork and of course, you can find carrots in it, as well. Well, that's not my favourite dish, my Mum knows it, but still, I tasted but I couldn't wait for finishing it to return to SOUP. Which, I LOVE. :)

We went to a party this night, too. I had a lot of fun there. First of all, because the only person dancing in the parquette when we were arriving was the girl, Fatih dated previously. I could not stand laughing. Basically, all night. :)) Well, I could share some gossips, too but I won't because it's really impolite. :P I really felt good that night, due to this, due to that we laughed a lot, we danced a lot - I have never had parties with my boss, before! so you could imagine... - and finally, I had party! I was so happy because of that! I was thinking all the time of YOU, dear my friends, with whom we've had so many parties before... I kept you in mind and THOSE parties. It was different, but my feelings were similar... I just felt the pure happiness I'm always feeling with you. :))

We danced up to 4 am and then we had to accompany to home Sveta, our dear collegue, so finally Fatih and me got home at 6am - around. Arvids also stayed with us, all night. Believe me, we really had a lot of fun. And, we had really good weather, so I enjoyed the walk in the morning, but my legs hurt a lot next day - have you ever danced and then walked in 6-cm high-heeled shoes for altogether 7 hours?!

Well, and of course, I did not sleep too much, only 4 hrs because I got up at 10. I already had another thing to do in Sunday: another excursion, what else? :) I went to Araisi, with my Latvian language teacher, Linda, and her boyfriend. They were really a good company, I enjoyed our talkings a lot! We walked about 8 kms, from the railway station (I would rather call it a stop and not a station... :) ), to the museumpark and then to the windmill and to the church... 'twas really interesting.

First of all, we visited the "ezerpils" which means lake castle. Here lived the men or when it was war, all the knights (Livonian Order owned the Castle) came here, as the enemy could have been attacked from this place better than from the castle, moreover, the enemy could not reach these wooden houses because of the lake, surrounding them. So, all in all, it was very creative to build a couple of houses on the surface of the lake. Some of the houses had something inside, as well: in one of them, there were plants, used for teas, in another one, there was an exhibition how ancient cooking pots and spoons were made but most of them was empty.

Again, we were lucky with the weather because the castle itself had only its own ruins, and, moreover, the third place, place for women was also established without roofs. They were weaker houses and we can say deep in the forest and most of them were actually hidden by bushes on the top of the roofs of the houses. It was really interesting. Of course, women had to do only 1-2 things: cooking and taking care of the children. Well, they had a boat, too, I guess, just in case.

Anyway, I liked the reconstructed version of this small town. Then we also visited the windmill and the church. The best of all was the windmill. It was like a picture from a fairy tale: grey windmill, in green grass and some light clouds on the beautifully blue sky... I fell in love with Latvia. Really. Or windmills? :) 

As we did not want to walk so much again back to the railway and especially not on the main road, we tried hitch-hiking - unfortunately unsuccessfully - but then the bus came and took us to Cesis. We had there around half an hour to walk a little bit. I loved Cesis, too. Although, we did not enter any museums or nothing, just were walking around... I pan Cesis for October... :)) still, it is a very beautiful city. :)) 

Of course, when I went home, I just wanted to have my bed. Before that, however, I cooked a soup. And of course, on the train, back, we could not have seats as university started here, as well, and the train was full of students travelling to Riga - this was the latest train we took from Cesis.


Monday - hm... we had cabbage soup, love it, although, I made it on Sunday, in the evening, as well :)) I don't even remember what I've done on Monday... :) I guess, it was just the usual, what I usually do here. :))

But Tuesday... oh, my God, one of the best days in my life. :) I could state it right now. I LOVE SPONTANEOUS PEOPLE!!!!!

When I was in Araisi, more exactly, when I was leaving the house, I heard that someone calls Fatih. It was Ingrida who wanted to go to some conference and needed Fatih's help. And then, next day, on Monday, they went to this conference, too. I did not want to go because I wanted to have a rest, but Fatih asked me to go there yesterday and I did not want him to go alone therefore, I joined him. 

I did not regret. There was a Christian priest from India who told about Moses and how God asked him to make water from the rock. The priest told a lot of interesting connections about the Bible, connecting first of all the Old and the New Testament, I was really influenced by that, as well! It was really interesting, if you are interested in some more details, just tell me, I can't give it back fully, and especially not here, in this entry which is my longest entry, so far, I guess... :) 

But after that conference! Oh my real Lord... a woman came to us, especially, to Fatih:

- Hi! Where are you from? Are you Muslim? I'm muslim, too! My husband is from Pakhistan. Anyway, today is my b-day. Wanna celebrate with me?

Of course, we wanted (and we had nothing to do), so we ended up in Solvita's family, met Rafiq, the husband (very nice man), and their children, Safija and Ryan, oh my, at first sight I've loved them all. :)) Such a nice and open-minded family! We had eaten, some salad, and played with the children, then we went into the bowling place and played bowling. Yes. You would not imagine: you just go for a lesson to listen something from the Bible, very spiritual, very touchy, take something personal with you (it was very touching when I saw Fatih reading the Bible)  then, you just end up in a birthday party with people you see for the first time but feel as if you were a family member or have known each other already for a long time. :)) It was fun! And you could not guess: all of the bowling place was rent for that night as another friend of Solvita had his birthday, too, so everything (bowling, juices, salad, dessert, dishes) were for free... we spent really a good time together. And the children... I just loved them, they are so beautiful. :)) Made a lot of pictures, as well ;)

So thank for the nice evenin, Solvita, Rafiq, Safija, and Ryan, hope to spend some more time together, later on! :))) 

Yes, because we had a lots of things discussed and we were talking in their living room about our project... :))) 



Szerző: elzazi  2011.09.14. 18:26 1 comment

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Mikel von Berlin 2011.09.16. 16:58:11

Thank you very much for taking me into this wonderful days you had; giving the chance to live what you lived and see what you saw!!! I love how you write and how you describe the things.

Lots of besos!!!!
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