This story is about the French evening in Merkis, on Monday, 23rd the April, when Morgane and Elodie came and we cooked at least 50 crépes, and one quiche lorraine-t, which I haven't tasted for 10 years (last time when I was with my class in England and we lived with families). Omg, I love French food, really. And it was such a nice atmosphere. :)) Later the others dropped in, too, Pako and Vroni, and finally Stella has arrived, as well. Ilze came and picked up us, with the big car, and it was great because the presentation went in 3 languages, French, English and also, Morgane talked and explained everything in Latvian! :)) 

After the presentation, we learnt each other's names, played a lot, and finally we learnt the French children song: Sur le pont d'Avignon. :)) 

To represent the evening for the best, I can with this video: 

Szerző: elzazi  2012.04.24. 12:35 Leave a comment

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