Hi there,

I'm really sorry, but I have no time to finish or to look for myself at all.

Here are some parts of my life, again, in English. Enjoy.

~ so, as for our trip to Kraków, I felt very stupid - come on, I travelled there 20 hrs, but I could do it from home in 6 hours, what am I, crazy? Yes.... ( :)) ). But it was the best travel in my life, so far... (ok, this year is the bests' year. :)) ). So, it was great, because we had such a great party: Ulyana, my flatmate, Ania and Piotr, our Polish friends, we met in the training, Areg, our Armenian friend (also met in the training), and my Hungarian friend, Anó, who is studying in Poland. It was great! :)) At daytime, we went on walkings in the city, at night, we went to parties. :)) It was just perfect, I cannot even write about it, and most I would write would be only facts and not my feelings connected to that. Maybe, to make you, my dear readers, feel what I've felt, I can show, that after one week, I still had homesick - for Poland. Crazy, isn't it? We really had a great time - although, I slept less, then I was expecting... :)) but still, it was ok. We saw beautiful things, and U know, a very great company we were together when we saw Wável, I could also meet Anó, a great friend of mine, within two weeks (before that, we haven't seen each other already for a year or so...). So, we were again: in the right place, in the right time. 'twas just perfect.

But, life has other aspects, as well.

But, still, I should mention the guy, we met in the last evening. Imagine, he is studying Hungarian. I was totally amazed by that. And his pronunciation is awesome. It was... I cannot express how it was. :)) 

We were heading a lot of surprises: first of all, we could catch a bus back to Riga, at first, we thought, we have to hitch-hike. But it was ok. :)) And then, again, Ulyana and Anikó danced for the National Polish tv... :D it was funny, as well... :D and the language - it's called like the French of the North. True, indeed! :))

But, life has other aspects, as well.

~ we met the other two volunteers who also live and work here, in Sigulda. They are a girl from Germany (Veronika) and a guy from Georgia (Ucha). They are very nice people. At first, we wanted to go to the Mojo bar, but as it was closed, we bought some things in Beta, and then came to our place. :)) It was very funny! They stayed till 1 am, although, they are living in the other edge of the city. Also, Ucha brought his gf, Dina, who is from Estonia. She also wants to learn Hungarian - yes, it was funny, I've met 2 people during the same week who wants to practice and learn Hungarian from me. And, of course, we discussed, how great that we both speak languages coming from the Ural family - the words which are common, and so on... :)) (Ok, could someone please stop the philologist inside me????!!! ;)))) )

So, all in all, it was a great night, with fruit salad, with joghurts, cepumi (cookies) and some salty snacks... and we all felt, we are very very similar to each other: the same situations, the same problems we have to face... etc. :)) Will be a good company, I hope so.

Some things, I was surprised: they have no real language courses, and they are living in a part of a hostel. Interesting, but still... :) all of us know, every situation has its advantages and disadvantages... :)) 

~ Soup days. I really enjoy them. :)) 

~ English for personnel has started - also great experience. :)) I hope, they also enjoy. In the first group, there are only Ingrida, Inta and Sveta. They are all very enthusiastic and hard-working! :)) Great, and I'm happy with them, as I'm also motivated to teach them! In the second group, there are Inguna, Ginta, and Santa. Not that Santa which is my boss' daughter but the one of her friends and collagues. Amazing group again, and also, I loved our first class very much, when we drank champaign.... :D

~ Helping people is GREAT. Some of you, my precious friends, wrote me some lines: Feel it everyday, that You are doing good. Feel it with all of Your heart, that You are helping others and these others NEED you. And if You care about these things, You will not pay attention to your problems. Thank You, Dóri, I remember Your lines everyday. When, I'm feeding old people, when we give soup for the homeless people, etc... every moment, I feel, there is an aim, I  must be here, there is a leading point, there is a goal, and this... makes me happy. So, it's great. :))

~ What else? Some more ideas, nowadays: the only thing which we have or haven't is TIME. During these some months, I've learnt, we should appreciate the time. We should wait, if waiting is needed, act if actions needed, we fully should appreciate those times, we can spend with our friends / relatives / family / collagues, etc. Of course, sometimes, if we look back, we feel that we have given out our precious time to those who are not worth it. But, believe me, it was worth. Otherwise, we haven't gained such experience - and it gives us power for the future, to analyse what we should give time to and what we should just simply forget. :)) That's why I was happy in every moment we were in Poland, also grateful, for every moment, when I can feel, I'm here for doing good. :)) And those moments, I just feel sorry for in which I feel myself useless, but these moments are also needed in life, otherwise, You cannot appreciate the other moments. :))

~ Working with old people is very interesting, also hard. To look at them, how they are getting old and tired of life, it's not easy. Especially, it's not easy for relatives. I try to be far from them, but some of them is really close to my heart. But, as I told You before, I try to appreciate the moments which we spend together. Again: time is what we have and haven't. Why? We have it, because we can use it, and time makes memories for us. And, also, we haven't it, because we cannot keep it, even if, there are really some beautiful moments in our lives, we can keep it in our heart but not in our hands.... Working with old people made me awake for the fact that time is running so fast, and we should appreciate every moment, we spend together. It's not only for old people, but also applies for family members. If we love each other, we should love each other NOW. Now it is the time for that. :)) So, I have several old people very close to my heart, and really, I cannot wait for seeing them again, the next day. Still, there is a slight chance in every day, that we will say goodbye to each other - forever. Life is sad, but also, so sweet - it's bitter, but has a very very sweet cherry on the top of that. ;)) Sometimes, if I enter Saullekts, I feel like doing good for my own grannies and grandpas, I have them in my heart, everyday. :))

~ and now, it is the time for leaving because if I will not, the precious time will slip away from me - together with the train which takes me to the swimming pool. ;)) Have a nice day!

Szerző: elzazi  2011.11.29. 15:44 Leave a comment

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