Dear all my friends,


I'm sorry, for not updating my blog in English, as well, I just did not have the time for that. Not that I'm having it now. :P 

So, I try to sum up the happenings around me, in English, right now.

After the week of the concert (dec 5) there was a Christmas concert on Saturday. It was organized by the Aicinajums Tev, where Ucha and Vroni are working. It was great, I liked the little program. The best, of course, was, when they were singing, but I did not like the guy who came and gave a concert because he was very arrogant and seemed very very selfish... :S But anyway, the mood was great. Ingrida from Saullekts was also there, together with Sveta, Fatihs and Arvids. Of course, guys all the time were laughing on something... I will never understand this kind of behaviour.

After the concert, we had to run because we wanted to catch the last bus to Riga. Ulyana and me visited Areg, because it was a suprrise to my family and my friends that I went home for Christmas, so otherwise, I could not come to Areg's farewell party and I definitely wanted to go to meet him and say goodbye to him. It was very very touching, although, it started funny: first of all, we knocked in the wrong flat with Ulyana (one stock higher), then, Areg was not home, when we arrived and Juan wanted to go and watch a match with Elza, so, it was very funny, but then, we went to shop, bought wine we drank of course as hot wine, with fruits, it was still sour... but anyway.. and we ate chips :P , yes, and we were just talking, watching an Armenian movie, but I hope, you can understand I tell this only now, otherwise, it would not have been a surprise to my family and friends that I am arriving earlier....... It was a great night, we went to sleep at around 2 am, in the morning, Areg was playing his guitar a lot, and he also wrote postcards to us... and now, as I am writing these lines from Latvia where there is no Areg, well, right now, I miss him a lot. I miss him, because he showed me a different perspective of life, with his spontaneity, and also, he helped me to get to know myself more, he was asking me provocative questions all the time, so I had to face the truth, and it was amazing how well he knew people, or maybe he just pretended to know them, maybe it's his mystic. ;) I know that he does not want to say goodby forever, so next day, we went to a hockey match, and at the end, we had to run a lot, to catch the last bus till Sigulda, and also, from the arena we had to leave very soon, so we only had time for hugging each other and wishing each other happy and nice life... so... that was all, but believe me, there were some points during the night, I could have cried, the one was, when Areg was playing the guitar and sang (improvised a song): It's the end, my lovely friend.... when looking at Juan. Yes. It was really the end. The last night, the four of us spent together. But really, it was a great night, not a normal farewell, of course, not with remembering the nice old times... just spending time together, like always. :))

Next day, guys invited us for a hockey match, but we already promised to Vroni and Ucha that maybe, we will cook something together. But, we thought, this is the last time, we are together as the four of us, really, we have to use this, and then I called them, and invited them, as well, for the hockey. Ucha did not come, but Vroni was interested. We met in the Christmas market, in Riga, because I wanted to buy the souvenirs to my family, that day, as well, and Ulyana was also interested in an Ukrainian church mass, but, then, it was cancelled, or I don't know, because there was no-one in the church, but still, it is a nice church. After that, we went to Pelmeņi, because it is a very cosy and cheap place. And, I have to admit, I looooooooooooove pelmeņi. :)) Well, this is more like Italian food, maybe, I mean, it is tortellini, or very similar to that, pasta, filled with cheese, meat, or anything else... hm... I will stop writing of it, otherwise I want to have it now. :D

The hockey match was greaat, wonderful! I did not expect a hockey match to be this big show, but, in the reality, it really was as I tell it you now: first of all, all the arena was covered in dark and people could not see anything just the teams, and then, a guy, who was wearing this hockey-supporter clothes, but guess, what it was! from his skates, there were flames coming out. Yes, he was the symbol of the very good team: Rīga Dynamo! I will never forget the song, hey-hey Latvia and Riga-Riga-Riga Dinamo. Of course, they have won, and Latvian people were very happy, not only because of the winning, but also that they won against the Russian team. Yeah, I could really feel myself as a Latvian, there. It was great! The one thing I did not like, hockey matches are the following: first third, only playing a little bit, second third we get the results, third part: fighting. Yeah, that's why we almost missed our bus, because the referees had to stop time when there was fighting (instead of stopping the box... i don't get the point...), and once, it was really frightening, because people also came who cleaned the eyes, and I would bet that was not the illusion of my eyes, it was really blood on the ice... :((

Yeah, anyway, we arrived home, next day, it started the bankrupt at Swedbank, but I read after that in the news, they told, it was just a fake news... so there was no problem. The same day, Ucha and Dina and Vroni came and visited us, we cooked hatchapuri, typical Georgian food,it was very good, very tasty, we laughed a lot... it was a nice night, as well. :))

Then, (omg, I all the time making these promises to myself, I will never ever leave out such a long story from my blog because then I get bored with writing... but no, I never get bored... :D ). Sooo, then it was time for travelling to Poland, on the 14th of December, to Lublin. Zsolti, Anikó's Hungarian friend picked up us, and it was very funny actually, my falling down (with knees, palm, and face, of course, why not :P ), in Zachodnie, in Warsaw, Zsolti's wondering about it and then dropping my bag... (which finally lost the broken wheel in my hometown), but anyway, we had a lot of fun! I made the goulash, Anikó was running back and forth the university, she already cooked the pogácsas previous night, and we filled up another pot of rétes... so everything was ready to have a great Hungarian evening. :)) Finally, Ania and Piotr have also arrived, oh, it was nice to see them again, and I also got a half-promise that they are heading for Riga for New Year's Eve, but obviously I could not wait for friends from different countries to come and visit me every fortnight :P but of course, my wish would be so. :)) 

In the Hungarian evening, Zsolti held a presentation, about our history, I translated to Ulyana. Ok, not because I know Polish, it's because I know my history. :PP But really, I have to admit, Polish is really beautiful language, Anikó told me in Krakków, that according to some famous people, whose names I have already forgotten, Polish is considered to be the French of the North. :)) So then, we were eating, chatting (Anikó introduced me to some of her professors in the Language Department, I was so happy! :)) ), then we danced a lot of Hungarian dances. Oh it was so great, Anikó is a great great teacher of that! ;)) I was taking photos, of course, check out my pictures, already uploaded! :))

Next day, we visited Lublin, but for me the most beautiful town was Krakków, I've seen in Poland. Maybe, because it is more famous, the old town is bigger... I don't know, or maybe, it is just because we went to bed at 7 am (I mean, Anikó and me, because the others already went to bed at 2 am, when coming home from the party - anyway, it was funny to sleep in one room (smaller than mine here), the 5 of us). Zsolti and Anikó and me were a little bit still talking in the kitchen. Haha! ;) A little bit, till 7 am... or so. But then, that was great, I'll never forget that.

Next day, we took the train to Warsaw and then to Budapest. On Saturday, we visited my home, my parents were very much surprised and also very touched we came home, (Uly was with me), my sister was playing guitar, and also, we had fun, visited my city. On Sunday, we went to Budapest, to Norbi's concert, you should have seen his face! He was very surprised, as well. It was great! We slept in my dorm, we visited the Citadella, the Castle, some bridges, we also have been to some parts of Pest, and Uly also told me, that now, after Bp. she can understand, why I did not like Riga for the first time. :))

On Monday, I went to the doctor (because of my heart, it was control), and she had to be alone, but she was enjoying this, as well, at least, she told so and I trust her. :)) After the doctor, I dropped in my classmates' exam. During these few days, I must say, I met everyone who is very important for me. :)) It was great! I met my friends from dorm, from the uni, also, from home... :)) It was a wonderful time, and of course, I was afraid, how it will be when my parents take me to the airport, but I bet you, I felt like as if I was going back to Budapest and take up my studies, again... Really! It did not cause pain, because now Latvia is my home, and I was looking forward to the New Year's Eve with the other volunteers which I loved a lot! :)) 

I feel also home here. I feel also home in Hungary. And, I understood, now, Hungary was nothing else just another country, I visit. Yes, really. Of course, it was a beautiful visit, my best Christmas ever. I have just realized that it's not the presents which make our life full, but, our family. ;) And, it was also a beautiful visit, because another country, which I know, I know the places, where to go, what to eat, what is good, I know the historical information... etc. :)) 

Oh, I'm so happy these times... :)) And You know, happiness really comes from inside! 

Everybody was happy on my returning... what else can I say? About New Year's Eve..? Yes, it was very great, as well. Lots of new people, meeting new friends... :)) It's great! We celebrated according to the Spanish tradition: we ate 12 berries of grape for the 12 bells of the clock. Well, we should have wished something for the new year, at this occassion, but I was just so much concentrating on eating the grapes and not having bad luck (because, if you do not eat them on time, you will have a very baad year... ), sooo, yes, then I was thinking back, come ooon! because new year's wishes and promises I already made on 30th December! :)) The other nice thing I liked that everybody had to stand up and tell what was the best thing they've done during 2011 - well, all of us mentioned EVS. Yes, this was a party, I will remember, forever... :))

- are you also interested in the details? We were at Paco's organization place, then, on the street, then, to another party place... and it was me who was afraid of not being able to stay up till the first train, 6.32... :P :))

Szerző: elzazi  2012.01.02. 07:14 Leave a comment

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